The Diary and Information by Seiko NAKATA, Harpsichordist.

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Hello! I must write the same sentence of the last post again... I was not able to write in my weblog for a long time.

Today's post is a concert information.

4th November, We give a concert by Recorder and Harpsichord in Osaka, Japan. We play the music of Francesco Mria Veracini.
Please, come to our concert !

Koike Kohei, Recorder Recital "Flauto diritto 2012"
Francesco Maria Veracini's Music

4th November 2012, start on 3:00pm

at Anrieu Recordert Gallery "TAKEYAMA Hall" [Osaka, Japan]
(3-8-12, Anryu, Suminoe-ku, Osaka, Japan)
Access Map (JP), Google Map

Price : Day Ticket 3,500 yen, Resercation Ticket 3,000 yen

Performer are Koike Kohei [Recorder] and Seiko Nakata [Harosichord]

Program : Francesco Maria Veracini's "Sonata for Recorder and General Bass (1716)" No.1 in F-Major, No.3 in D-minor, No.4 in B-flat-Major, No.9 in G-minor, No.10 in D-minor and "Sonata in A-minor (Brussel's manuscript)"


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Information! Radio, ON AIR!

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In Japan, Radio ON AIR! 2012/01/22(Sun)25:15-16:15 (1/23(Mon)01:15-02:15)

Please, Listen it ! You can listen my voice and my harpsichord's sounds and my Flemish Virginal's sound. Enjoy it !
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March 2011

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This is the first post in this year. Today is 25th March. I din't new post on my weblog :( But I'm fine :)
Since 11th March, North-East Japan is quake-damaged zone. After the quake, I received many E-mail and Messages from many other country's persons. Thank you for all ! I live in Osaka. There is Osaka-city in West Japan. So I'm OK!

My recent state : I have some works; making teaching materials for Harpsichord Playing Arts, making plans for some concerts.

What's New about my weblog ?
I set up FB Comment Box on this weblog. So, if you have Facebook account, you can post a comment via your FB account.
And I set uo FB "Like!" Bottan :D Please, Click "Like!"

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What's new?

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I must have more best for building the this web site.
It needs many time for completing.

When you give a comment for me in this weblog, you must do "sign in".
The way are useing Open ID, Yahoo account, mixi account etc...
And if you have Facebook account, you can use it and sign in :D

Today, one of my work was it.

By the way...

In December, I'll give a concert in Osaka.
Program are J.P.Sweelinck and J.S.Bach's works.

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このページには、過去に書かれたブログ記事のうちwhat's new?カテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。

前のカテゴリはphoto galleryです。


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